This is me
Just a note. If I refer to a page on this web site I acknowledge that the information from that page is the owners and if they want me to remove it I am more than willing. I am not trying to steel anyones work. Anything mention about Anne McCaffrey and her works are hers by copy right and I am not trying to go against that. This page is soley for entertainment and is not ment to infringe on the copyrights of anyone.


Hiya! I am really new to the computer thing. So this page is just a start. I want to move on but I can't without help. Any suggestions? (Oh and if you make suggestions please make sure I will be able to follow through? How? Instructions.) I hope you like what you see.

Really neat stuff I found on the web
I found a list by Greg Kampe and it is called "You Know you've been reading Pern too long when..." and these are one of my favorites from each of the Catigories.
You get pulled over by a traffic cop and you left your licence at home. You can picture the exact spot you left it,and wish you had a firelizard to go home and get it.

You head for a stone building when you see Mars.

Someone speaks of and impression and you ask "What colour?"

Food and Drink:
You actually make the Klah recipe from "The DragonLovers Guide to Pern"

You write AIVAS in big letters across your computer case

Terms and Phrases:
your scream "Heard and Witnessed" when you teacher threatens to throw your best friend out the next time they do that.

You want you teacher to teach you the Pythagorean theorem by using a teaching song

You've organized your own gather

You like Robintons "A minor miner problem."

You're sure your cat has the plaque

Your spellchecker has learned words like "Pern, Weyr, fire-lizard harper" etc.

Aren't these great. Look on my Favorite links for how to get there

This is what I like
My interests:
  • Books/Magazines
  • Latin Culture
  • Movies/TV
  • Paranormal
  • Pets/Animals
  • Science Fiction

Okay so this is the easy way out. I like a lot of stuff. I am not a geek but unfortunately I have a lot of the same interests as geeks. What is the defenition of a geek? (no picking on my spelling either)

Favourite links

Savage Gardeners VSL
If you are interested in what our LARP is saying go here!!!

my extended page
please visit me

You know you've been reading Pern too long when...
I mentioned this in my really neat stuff. Go check it out. It is really cool.

Email me at:
[email protected]

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